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Key Personnel at Wolgarston:

Mr S McCosh (Deputy Head)

Mr McCosh comes from an Engineering background working for British Coal in the Welsh Valleys as an engineer before moving as a Quality Assurance Manager at National Headquarters. This was followed by a period working on the Privatisation Team with the Department for Energy, Merchant Bankers and Solicitors, preparing the sale documents for the corporation. He has been teaching since 1995. He has responsibility in the Senior Leadership Team for the leadership of careers education.

Mr H Phillips (Careers Lead)

Mr Phillips is the school’s Careers lead and teaches Business studies.

Mr Phillips graduated in Sports Business from Liverpool John Moores University and has been a Business Teacher here at Wolgarston High since 2016. His career role within the school is to build links with local employers who deliver career encounters for our students and enhance the profile of careers within the school. I have previous careers experience in retail, marketing and events. If you are able to offer the school an employer encounter please contact Mr Phillips on the email above.

The Link Governor responsible for CEIAG provision is Mrs D Tuck 

The school uses the Compass online self-evaluation tool to monitor and evaluate how our careers support compares against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the national average.

We are proud to work with Stoke and Staffordshire Careers Hub

Mr Steve Rogers – Enterprise Coordinator for the Stoke and Staffordshire Careers Hub (funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company).  The purpose of the Careers Hub and the Careers and Enterprise Company is to reform careers education across England. The coordinators aim is to ensure the children at Wolgarston are prepared for the next stage of their life whether that is apprenticeship, workplace or further study.  Steve’s role is to support Careers Leaders with the planning, delivery and evaluation of the school’s Careers Education Programme and offer information, advice & guidance on how to best meet the Government’s Framework for the Gatsby BenchmarksCareers Week Planning: To meet the requirement for delivery of careers guidance in the curriculum (Gatsby Benchmark 4) each subject is committed to the provision of careers in specific weeks of the year. 

Please see an outline of our careers programme by following the link below. The provider access policy can be found under /page/?title=Policies+%26amp%3B+Statutory+Information&pid=61

We value parent feedback on the careers programme. Please email Mr Phillips if you would like to complete our feedback form.