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Key Information & Policies


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Penk Valley Academy Trust Policies

Many of the policies that we follow are those of our Trust. Please see the link to the
Penk Valley Academy Trust Policy page and a list of the policies: –

Link to Penk Valley Policies

Asbestos Policy
Attendance Policy
Charging, Remissions & Debt Policy
Complaints Policy
Educational Visits Policy
First Aid Policy
GDPR Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Intimate Care & Toileting Policy
Lettings Policy
Online Safety Policy
Physical Intervention Policy
Privacy Notice, Employees, Workers and contractors
Privacy Notice Governors
Privacy Notice Job applications
Privacy Notice Parents, Pupils and carers
Public Sector equality duty objectives 
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Smoke Free Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
Whistleblowing Policy

If you would like a copy of any policy in large print, please contact the school office on 01785 788400 or via email. 

NB Where a policy is in draft format, it will be highlighted as so in the document.